
with open('mycode.img') as filepointer:
    handler = mfr.detect(filepointer)  # returns a handler object
    if handler:
        render_result = handler.render(filepointer)
        content = '<p>Cannot render file.</p>'
        render_result = mfr.RenderResult(content=content)

You can also use mfr.render to perform detection and rendering simultaneously. If no valid handler for a file is available, a ValueError is raised.

This example is equivalent to above.

with open('mycode.img') as filepointer:
        render_result = mfr.render(filepointer)
    except ValueError:  # No valid handler available
        render_result = mfr.RenderResult('<p>Cannot render file.</p>')

RenderResult objects contain the resultant html as content. Any javascript or css assets are contained in a dictionary. To display assets with jinja, simply iterate through the lists.

{% for stylesheet in render_result.assets.css %}
    <link rel="stylesheet" href={{ stylesheet }}/>
{%  endfor %}

{% for javascript in render_result.assets.js %}
    <script type="text/javascript" src={{ javascript }}/>
{%  endfor %}

{{ render_result.content|safe }}


In order to use mfr in a web application, you will need to configure mfr with certain facts about the application, e.g. the base URL from which static files are served and the folder where to store static assets.

Configuration is stored on a mfr.config, which can be modified like a dictionary.

import mfr
import mfr_code_pygments

mfr.config['STATIC_URL'] = '/static'
mfr.config['STATIC_FOLDER'] = '/path/to/app/static'

# Filehandlers can be registered this way
mfr.config['HANDLERS'] = [mfr_code_pygments.Handler]


The mfr.config shares the same API as Flask’s config, so you can also load configuration values from files or Python objects.

import mfr
import mfr_code_pygments

# Equivalent to above
class MFRConfig:
    STATIC_URL = '/static'
    STATIC_FOLDER = '/path/to/app/static'
    HANDLERS = [mfr_code_pygments.Handler]

mfr.config['STATIC_URL']  # '/static'

Using Static Files

Many renderers require static files (e.g. CSS and Javascript). To retrieve the static files for a file renderer, the object has a ‘assets_url’ that serves as the base path.